About Us
Capoeira is a blend of martial art, game, music and dance of Brazil. The art-form started up in Brazil during the 16th Century, a result of the slave trading that took place in conjunction with the previously slaved native Indians. Since that time, Capoeira has since transformed into an artform enjoyed by people all over the world.
Capoeira is a “game” – it is not a fight of only might and strength, but also a chess-game where you try to anticipate the moves of the other player and trap them with yours. It is a game that is enjoyed by both a beginner and a teacher, both a child and an adult. Capoeira brings people of all ages and backgrounds together – all levels and ages can form a “roda” together and share this Martial Art. The “jogo” – the game – can be a beautiful exhibition of strength and flexibility or a lightning-fast show of aggressive kicks and pure might.
Eduardo Torres grew up in Northern California and was captivated by Capoeira in his teens. In 2000 he moved to the Tampa Bay area and in 2001 started teaching the first Capoeira classes in Tampa. 2002 was an eventful year, as he opened his first academy in Tampa and was graduated as a Capoeira Professor by Mestre Acordeon and Mestre Rã. In 2006, he became Professor Graduado (Professor de 2º grau) and in 2015, he received his Mestrando (Contra Mestre) cord in Brazil from Mestre Fran in front of many renowned Mestres. In 2019, Contra Mestre Girino joined Capoeira Malês, a group led by his longtime mentors Mestre Curisco and Mestre Lua.
Contra Mestre Girino has traveled all over North America and Brazil to both learn and teach Capoeira. He considers himself blessed and lucky to have had several Capoeira teachers over his 25+ years of Capoeira, each sharing their particular traditions, customs and history.
Professor Carne Seca
Leandro Rabell was born and raised in Santiago de Cuba, he came to Florida at the age of 9. He started Capoeira with Contra Mestre Girino in 2001 and became a Professor in 2021. He has traveled all over United States, Canada and Puerto Rico to both learn and teach Capoeira. He has been teaching in the Brandon, Seffner and Tampa Bay area since 2006.

Professor Carne Seca along with the students frequently participate in community, educational and cultural events, as well as outreach programs for at-risk youth and they try to share their love of Capoeira with those around them, hoping it will inspire them to improve their lives the way it helped improved theirs.